Thursday, December 01, 2005

Who has more credibility?

Democratic Rep. John Murtha (PA-12) recently revealed his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq and it really had Americans talking. (See Howard Fineman's article in Newsweek.) Families raised their hopes that their sons and daughters would return home sooner than expected. Troops in Iraq held their breaths hoping that Murtha's plan would be studied and adopted so they wouldn't have to spend another year in Iraq.

However, President Bush's slick repackaging of the same old message has fallen on tired ears. The 35 page document put out by the White House in pdf form, was nothing more than an outline of the same old crap. I wonder if Bush read all thirty-five pages (I doubt it). The President plans to give additional speeches covering his strategy for victory in Iraq. I look forward to changing the channel.

The basic question in all of this discussion is who has more credibility? Murtha is a highly decorated former Marine. Bush has no combat experience. When Murtha visits Iraq, he speaks the language of the men and women whose boots are on the ground. He knows how they feel and what they need. When Bush has visited Iraq, the troops are pre-selected to give the perfect photo-op. Murtha listens to the commanders and troops in Iraq. Bush doesn't want to hear about problems.

We need to call our representatives and senators and let them know that we want our sons and daughters home now. We are their constituents. If they refuse to listen, then we will vote for people who will bring our kids home.

Update: Rep. Murtha says Army is "Broken, Worn Out"