Thursday, January 19, 2006

DeLay and Frist: Insider Trading in their Offices?

If the following story is true, it would show that the Republican corruption is even worse than we thought and that DeLay and Frist are in deep.

From the Majority Report we have the following information:

Actually it was last night, but if you missed it, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter revealed that Bill Frist and Tom Delay both have had day-traders working inside their offices, profitting off inside information about pending bills or selling that information to undisclosed clients....

Here is that excerpt from Daily Kos:

In an exclusive last night on Air America Radio's The Majority Report, Rep. Louise Slaughter alleged that day-traders had been operating inside the offices of Senator Frist and Congressman Delay. Telling us that her source was "as good as gold," Rep. Slaughter promised to investigate further and get back to us. Audio available via AMERICAblog here.

"I'm going to track this down, I know it's true," Slaughter told us,"that Frist, DeLay and probably others had some day traders working out of their offices." Those working out of the Congressional offices "would find out there's a bill being written by lobbyists, that there would be no asbestos bill ... and when the market opened the next day, the cost of asbestos stock had doubled."

The context of this story, and the practice of spreading insider "political intelligence" is starting to unfold...developments on the other side...

The backstory of this involves what's called "political intelligence." The Hill did a story nearly a year ago on firms that harvest insider political info and feed it to Wall Street to get ahead of the news cycle; obviously much of what happens in DC affects the market....