Monday, July 31, 2006

Boehner and Pryce

Republicans John Boehner and Deborah Pryce are trying to undo the mess the Republicans have gotten us into by spinning their record. Boehner and Pryce have even tried to conjure up images of the famous Ohio State Coach, Woody Hayes. However, Woody would never recognize his Republican Party today. As former NBA star, Charles Barkley said, "I was a Republican - until they lost their minds."

Boehner, Pryce, DeLay, Ney, Cunningham, and the rest of the GOP have lost their minds. How can they continue to support a war in Iraq where our young men and women are being slaughtered because there was no plan for war or peace? How can they continue to support this administration's inept strategies for trying to bring peace in the Middle East? While the Middle East burns, Condi Rice plays piano? Was this a modern version of Nero? This country is a mess: war, immigration stalemate, loss of manufacturing jobs, loss of America's reputation, FEMA failures, diplomacy failures, no job growth, no funding for No Child Left Behind, a Medicare Prescription Plan that still is a mess, Republican corruption, the outing of a CIA agent, cozy relationships with lobbyists, an out of control rising gas price fiasco, the largest national debt in history, a lack of leadership in science and global warming, the Abramoff scandal, a minimum wage bill tied to tax cuts for the wealthy, etc., etc.

Why would anyone re-elect these Republican clowns?