Tuesday, February 13, 2007


*Right now (8:17am) there is a discussion about the vaccine for preventing cervical cancer on the Today Show. There is one lady who obviously is some right winger who is against the vaccine for school age girls. She said there haven't been enough tests. However, 20,000 girls were tested and followed for ten years with excellent results. Why do these right wingers want women to get cancer?

*3125 Americans have died in Iraq. (http://icasualties.org/oif/)

*Vice President Dick Cheney is refusing to meet with a representative of one of our allies.
(Taipei Times):

US Vice President Dick Cheney plans to spurn meetings with Japan's defense minister next week in protest over his having called the US-led Iraq war a "mistake," a news report said yesterday.

Cheney is to meet top officers in Japan's Self-Defense Forces during a visit starting next Tuesday but has asked Japan not to schedule any talks with Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma, Kyodo News agency said.

Late last month, Kyuma told reporters the decision to invade Iraq was a "mistake" because it was based on the erroneous assumption that the government of the late Iraqi president Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.....

*Mitt Romney will be announcing his candidacy at the Ford Museum. Henry Ford was a big supporter of Hitler and anti-semitic. Does Romney support the beliefs of Henry Ford?