Friday, September 14, 2007

Why haven't we heard from Admiral Fallon?

> I didn't watch Bush's speech last night. Instead, I watched Iron Chef America. It is amazing the things that can be done with parmesan cheese.

> From the Congressional Quarterly:
.....several Senate Republicans are backing a measure by Jim Webb, D-Va., that would require that troops be given at least as much time at home as they spend deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Webb said his measure, which netted 56 votes in July, including seven Republicans, now has the likely support of GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and George V. Voinovich of Ohio.

The amendment, which could be considered the week of Sept. 17, is significant because it would limit the number of troops the president could deploy. It would represent a bipartisan repudiation of Bush on the heels of his speech. The House passed a similar measure in August, and Bush threatened to veto it.

Some Senate Democrats believe their GOP colleagues are teetering on the edge of taking legislative action to hasten an end to the U.S. military role in Iraq.....

The word "teetering" should encourage those of us who want the troops home now. Perhaps with a little encouragement from all American citizens (telephone call, e-mails, etc.), we can get more Republicans to support measures like Senator Webb's.

> Do you know about Admiral William Fallon? He is the boss of General Petraeus. Fallon is not very pleased with Petraeus. Here is an excerpt from the Decatur Daily:

....According to his military superior, Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command, the general (Petraeus) conducted a self-serving public relations campaign in favor of continuing the war....

...Adm. Fallon didn't think much of the general's (Petraeus) participation in the politics of war or his elevation to commanding general after the president won funding for the temporary troop increase. He called him a sycophant, or one who goes to great lengths to please people with influence.

Adm. Fallon, according to Pentagon sources, used salty language during their first meeting in Baghdad in March to assess his junior officer. He reportedly told Gen. Petraeus that he considered the general to be backside-kissing chicken manure...

Apparently, Admiral Fallon has been invited to testify at a Senate committee hearing. That should be interesting.