Tuesday, October 02, 2007


> If Republican Fred Thompson is elected president, will he try to end the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit? Thompson had a few things to say about the senior drug benefit in the DesMoines Register:
Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson said in Iowa on Monday that he would have opposed the 2003 Medicare prescription drug bill, written and championed by Iowa's popular Republican Sen. Charles Grassley.
Thompson, campaigning in central Iowa, described the program to an audience in Marshalltown as an expensive expansion of government at a time when entitlement programs needed overhauling.
"We cannot afford that program," Thompson said later in a Des Moines Register interview......

>Will the far right religious members of the Republican Party nominate their own presidential candidate? With the Republican Party in a mess (broke, infighting, loss of public trust), it appears that they are losing their base. Can Republicans hold back a Democratic Party tidal wave in November 2008?

>With more nations pulling out of Bush's coalition in Iraq (Iceland and the UK), who will remain?

> Will Republican Rep. Ralph Regula (OH-16) announce his retirement soon?

> Rush Limbaugh (right wing egotistical gas-bag) has recently called soldiers who voice their opposition to Bush's Iraq war "phony soldiers." Now Sen. Harry Reid (NV-Dem) has written a letter to Limbaugh's bosses at Clear Channel. Here is a little background from USA Today:
......On his show Monday, Limbaugh fired back at Reid -- accusing him of a smear campaign -- and then had this to say:
"What I want to do now is demand that Harry Reid come on this program and confront me like a man. Live, unedited, come on this show and let's go at it. I'm not going to allow hack politicians to lie about what I said, to cover up what they have said and done."

Meanwhile, on the floor of the Senate yesterday, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, wondered if Limbaugh "was just high on his drugs again."

That led Limbaugh to call the senator "Tom 'Dung Heap' Harkin," and led conservative blogger/commentator Michelle Malkin to revisit claims Harkin had made about his service in the military during the Vietnam War....

Limbaugh, as you may recall, was unable to serve in Viet Nam because of a large cyst on his ass. Isn't it amazing that Limbaugh, who never served in the military, continues to insult those who have worn and continue to wear military uniforms? Why does Limbaugh hate those in the military? Is he jealous? Is he just being disrespectful? Or is he just hate anyone who isn't a pompous ass like himself?