Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still Waiting for the Other Side

Here I sit waiting to read anything about how the Republicans plan to fix the economy. There was some talk that maybe Newt Gingrich had something to offer. However, after close examination Gingrich's suggestions seemed very close to what he had talked about in the 1980's. The Republicans can't come up with any new ideas, but they are good at recycling their old ones. Gingrich, Boehner, Cantor, McCain, McConnell, and the rest of the GOPers can only suggest "tax cuts" every single time they are asked for their economic plan.

I've been watching too, too much of CNBC. The whining from the stock market and banking gurus is really getting old. They ran like wild men while Bush was in office. The banking and financial industries had their days without regulation with the government looking the other way. They need to get it through their thick heads that things have changed.

We own a couple of stocks---- nothing big. As I get my proxy vote materials in the mail, I've been looking closely at the proposals by other stockholders and the board of trustees. I've been voting down any proposals that reward the big shots. We've got to end the wild spending and high living that some company executives have been enjoying. People are out of work, losing jobs, and losing homes. This is not time for big bonuses and redecorating the executive suites. Executives should take pay cuts if it means that they can save jobs within their company.