Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Now Is the Time to Fix Health Care

My observations during President Obama's speech---

* Republican Rep. John Boehner seems to still be chewing on his dinner.

* President Obama said it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage because you got sick. "No one should go broke because they got sick."

* President just said something nice about a proposal from John McCain.

* Another picture of Boehner..... he looks like he has acid indigestion.

* Sen. Olympia Snowe looks happy.

* President addresses key controversies-----
"death panels" are lies, pure and simple. (at this point, few Republicans are clapping)

* Someone on the Republican side just yelled out at the President when he said illegal immigrants would not be covered. (NOTE: Republican Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina has been identified as the person who yelled, "You lie!" You can contact Wilson at---- FAX: 202-225-2455, (803) 939-0041, (843)521-2530, (202) 225-2452)

* President said to keep public option for those who don't have insurance and all the Dems stood and applauded and the Republicans remained seated and looked grumpy. So what else is new?

* President said Republicans should work together but some GOPers are acting like third graders while holding up some papers.

* President said that no government or insurance bureaucrat would get between you and the care you need.

* Yea! President said reason there is a deficit is because of the Iraq War.

* President Obama said he will protect Medicare. Just saw Republican Reps. Tiberi and LaTourette not clapping, just shaking their heads.

* President just said that his health plan will cost less than the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, and less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. He said he will not waste time with those who say it is better to kill the plan than to approve it. He will not accept the status quo as the solution.

* The President talked about a letter he was given after the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy. Sen. Kennedy reminded the President that health care was a moral imperative.

* President said, "We came here not to fear the future, but to shape it."

Just talked to my 86 year old mother and she gave President Obama's speech an "A+."

Right now some Republican guy is talking but we switched the channel because we don't want to hear his remarks. (My husband said he doesn't want to watch people like him.) Now we are watching some HGTV which is much better than listening to something from the party of "NO!!"

Health care reform is a moral imperative.