Friday, October 08, 2010

John Boehner's Plans?

*  Does the prospect of John Boehner controlling the House of Representatives worry you?

Check out for the consequences of Boehner in a leadership position:

Boehner’s America: The Economy

Corporate greed runs rampant: CEOs are unchecked, consumers’ rights are weakened, foreclosures jump up.

Boehner’s America: The Environment

More dependence on fossil fuels that create climate change, big breaks for big oil, lower emission standards....

...Boehner’s America: Reproductive Rights

Loss of funding for Planned Parenthood, no information about choice from health care providers, major support of anti-choice groups....


- If the Republicans gain control of the House and/or the Senate, they will close down the government, like they did in the mid 1990's.  You may not remember those days when Republican chaos ensued, but it was a mess:  Social Security checks were halted, hundreds of thousands of federal employees were out of work, federal buildings were closed, etc.  President Clinton refused the Republican budget proposal because, as President Clinton said of the Republican budget plan in his address to the nation....


....Remember, the Republicans are following a very explicit strategy announced last April by Speaker Gingrich, to use the threat of a government shutdown to force America to accept their cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, to accept their cuts in education and technology and the environment. 

Yesterday they sent me legislation that said -- we will only keep the government going, and we will only let it pay its debts if and only if we accept their cuts in Medicare, their cuts in education, their cuts in the environment, and their repeal of 25 years of bipartisan commitments to protect the environment and public health....

......My message to Congress is simple -- you say you want to balance the budget, so let's say yes to balancing the budget, but let us together say no to these deep and unwise cuts in education, technology, the environment, Medicare and Medicaid. Let's say no to raising taxes on the hardest- pressed working families in America. These things are not necessary to balancing the budget. Yes to balancing the budget, no to the cuts..... 

John Boehner and Mitch McConnell want to shut down Congress again, if they gain the majority.