Monday, December 27, 2010

Ohio Prepares for Kasich

* John Kasich and his good old white boy network are positioning themselves to take over the state government.  We've already seen hints of what is to come.  Kasich will refuse federal funding for rail, and we've already lost 16,000 jobs and an untold number of businesses.  Don't worry.  Kasich thinks he knows everything.  What will Ohio miss?

A news story at NPR about rail service shows that rail has more pluses than minuses:

It's hard to find a city in America that isn't planning, proposing, studying or actually building a light rail system. Cities as diverse as Dallas, Seattle and Washington, D.C., all see light rail as part of their future — a way to reshape their development.

There are 35 light rail systems operating in the U.S. today. At least 13 metro areas are currently building others. Many more are being planned.....

......"Light rail stops create nodes and create opportunities for denser development," says Frampton. "So you don't end up using up roads and using up sewers, and building new police stations and water lines and so on."

Kasich doesn't want redevelopment in Ohio.  He just wants to do things his way by slashing education, medicaid, libraries, and anything most Ohioans think is important.  While Kasich slashes and eliminates parts of Ohio government, he'll move to privatize areas of government and sell off everything else.

* People have noticed that "death panels" do exist in Arizona with Republican Governor Jan Brewer in power. 

.....In a recent round of budget cuts, the Republican-controlled Legislature cut all funding for organ transplants, leaving at least 98 low-income patients to die because now they cannot receive life-saving treatments. Republican Gov. Jan Brewer has refused to reinstate $10 million in funds that could help save these individuals....

What does Sarah Palin think of Brewer's death panels?