Monday, January 14, 2013


>  President Obama had a press conference today and talked extensively about the debt limit. You can see the press conference at the WashingtonPost. The Republicans are talking about shutting down government, which would mean that Social Security recipients, our military, federal employees, government contractors, our veterans, etc., would not receive checks.  The Republicans like to play with people's lives, and yet refuse to acknowledge that the debt went up during the last Bush administration with the tax cuts and wars that were not fully paid for by that administration.

> Since Ohio Gov. John Kasich cut funding to all levels of education, it is no surprise that student tuition and fees are increasing. New buildings and a sophomore on campus living requirement, will costs students more money at the Ohio State University.


Ohio State University is set to become the largest college in the country to require sophomores to live on campus — a rule aimed at improving retention and graduation rates but one that will likely add to the financial burden faced by students.

OSU trustees in August approved $396 million to design and construct new dorms and a recreation center, adding 3,200 beds. The 56,000-student university — the nation’s third largest — said keeping 5,200 sophomores in OSU housing will encourage them to stay involved in university activities and give the campus a smaller feel. The requirement is planned to take effect in fall 2016......

.....Ohio State plans to issue bonds, take out an internal loan and spend cash to finance the project. Room rates will go up as much as 6 percent per year; meal and recreation fee increases won’t be capped but aren’t expected to jump as much as room rates.....

And so it goes.....