Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Which Republican is next?

Since former lobbyist and Republican friend, Jack Abramoff, is singing for the FBI, people are wondering which Republican will be indicted next? Could it be Republican Rep. John Doolittle? USA Today has some info about Doolittle:
...Doolittle, over five years, has accepted $140,000 from Abramoff, associates and clients, according to Federal Election Commission records. Grand-jury-subpoenaed records show that Abramoff's law firm paid Doolittle's wife, Julie, $66,700 for working for a personal charity of Abramoff's. A Senate committee concluded she was blameless in any bribery scheme because she didn't know the money came from a California Indian tribe....

The new release from the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services shows the unemployment rate for Ohio was 5.3% for September 2006.

Who voted for this clown? Not me! From the Wall Street Journal, Bush said the following: “Occasionally. One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see that. I forgot the name of the program, but you get the satellite and you can — like, I kind of like to look at the ranch on Google, reminds me of where I want to be sometimes. Yeah, I do it some.”

I'm going to visit 'the Google' on the 'internets.'