Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Day After New Hampshire

In examining the votes in the New Hampshire primary (as posted at The New York Times), I found some of the Republican results very interesting. Here are my observations on the Republicans:

> Giuliani had 8.6% of the vote. Since New Hampshire is so close to New York, the residents know a lot, or maybe too much, about Giuliani.

> Fred Thompson's 1.2% of the vote showed he "underwhelmed" people.

> Huckabee did not impress the independents in N.H.

*** I once had a bumper sticker that read- "When Women Vote, Women Win." The women in New Hampshire showed that their support of Sen. Hillary Clinton brought victory. At one of the rallies in N.H., two men held up signs that read "Iron My Shirt" (see Baltimore Sun for story and pic). I guess there are some men who still believe women belong at home instead of in the White House.