Friday, December 12, 2008


* Someone over at seems to think that Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy got really lucky in her win in Ohio's 15th congressional district. Never underestimate Kilroy. Her hard work and loyal following produced results. Also, the 15th district is getting more Democratic with each election. No one can predict what will happen by 2010.

* Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R), Sen. Richard Shelby (AL-R), Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-R) and Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R) certainly hate working people. These four Republican U.S. Senators showed such disdain for autoworkers, that is was sad. This country was built on the backs of those automakers, steelworkers, carpenters, bricklayers, and many, many others. Corker, Shelby, McConnell, and DeMint have no appreciation for regular working "Joes" and "Josies" and their contributions to our society. Corker, Shelby, McConnell, and DeMint are doing their best to destroy unions and workers' rights.

* Is it possible that President George W. Bush's family and friends are more important than President-elect Barack Obama and his family? The Bush administration must think so.

The White House has turned down a request from the family of President-elect Barack Obama to move into Blair House in early January so that his daughters can start school on January 5.
The Obamas were told that Blair House, where incoming presidents usually stay in the five days before Inauguration Day, is booked in early January, a spokesperson to the Obama transition said. “We explored the idea so that the girls could start school on schedule,’ the spokesperson said. “But, there were previously scheduled events and guests that couldn’t be displaced.”
It remained unclear who on Bushes guest list outranked the incoming President....

* The Governor of Illinois has an approval rating of under 10%, doesn't get along with Illinois lawmakers, and has been arrested because of a federal probe. Why does he want to prolong the misery by remaining in office?

* I usually watch David Letterman but last night I skipped the show. John McCain was a guest and I thought I had seen and heard enough of him to last me a lifetime.

* If you are planning a summer vacation (if you still have a job by the summer), it might be wise to stay away from those states like Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama because their representatives and senators are so anti-worker. They are also red states. Skip that trip to a red state, and vacation in a blue one!