Monday, February 04, 2013

Background Checks

* President Obama has been continuing his campaign on background checks for gun ownership. Today, the President was in Minnesota.

NY Times:

President Obama traveled to the nation’s heartland to press his case for tougher gun laws on Monday, even as evidence mounted in Washington that expanded background checks on gun sales may emerge as a legislative compromise in the bitterly divisive cultural debate. 

In a city once called “Murder-apolis” because of its homicide rate in the 1990s, the president cited its successful gun violence prevention efforts as evidence that new national laws are needed to reduce the number of shootings across the country. 

“The only way we can reduce gun violence in this country is if the American people decide it’s important,” Mr. Obama said, standing in front of a sea of police officers and sheriff’s deputies at the Minneapolis Police Department Special Operations Center.... 

I totally agree with President Obama's goal of reducing gun violence and pushing for background checks for gun purchasers.  We've got to do whatever we can to prevent future tragedies involving guns.

>>>> Gov. John Kasich unveiled his budget today. You just wonder how he expects to make up for the tax cuts he'll be advocating. See the Dayton Daily News for details.  I'm interested in seeing his proposal for merit pay for teachers and were he'll get the money.