Friday, February 08, 2013

Getting Noticed

What do you know!  Gov. John Kasich's new budget has been noticed by others, including  DailyKos:

Ohio's Gov. John Kasich must be trying to earn back his extremist stripes after his decision to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. He helped out Ohio's lower and moderate income folks with that, only to screw them with higher taxes—higher taxes that will pay for a tax break for wealthy.

The proposal would provide a $10,369 annual tax cut on average to taxpayers in the top 1 percent of the income spectrum, who made more than $335,000 in 2012. The bottom fifth of taxpayers, making less than $18,000 a year, would see an average increase of $63. Those in the middle fifth, making between $33,000 and $51,000 in 2012, would come out about even, averaging an annual tax increase of $8.
The plan includes an income tax cut for those at the top, along with extending the sales tax to services that aren't explicitly exempt. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy [ITEP] analyzed the plan for for Policy Matters Ohio, and estimates that the "top 1 percent on average will pay $781 more a year, while middle-income Ohioans will pay $165 and low-income residents, $71." But that $71 for low-income residents is a much larger share of their income.
John Kasich was hoping that you wouldn't notice that he is giving bigger tax cuts to the people who don't need it---the wealthy. With his planned sales tax on services provide by accountants, lawyers, and even downloaded books, Ohioans will find themselves paying more taxes on everything.

* School districts are also becoming aware of Kasich's lack of honesty when he introduced his budget plan for education. More that half of the school district in Ohio will not an increase in state funding.

Logan Daily News:

If Gov. John Kasich’s plan for the biannual budget is approved, the Logan-Hocking School District will not receive additional funding for Fiscal Year 2014 or 2015, but will match their totals from FY 2013. This could leave the LHSD to face a deficit of $1.1 million for FY 2015 under the most recent financial analysis conducted by LHSD Treasurer Paul Shaw.

If approved in its current form, the LHSD will be receiving $18,014,155 in funding from the state for each FY 2014 and FY 2015, which is the same amount received in FY 2013.

Shaw said he was disappointed with the news, and noted that of all the school districts in 12 Appalachian counties — including Hocking County — none will receive a funding increase under Kasich’s proposed budget....

The poorer districts are excluded from additional funding.  Looks like Kasich is waging war on the poor.