Monday, December 05, 2005

Shut Up and Get Out the Message

The following people need to Shut Up: Jean "Marine Hater" Schmidt, Joe Lieberman (Bush Schmoozer), Bill "Falafel" O'Reilly, Sean "Putz" Hannity, Rush "Anal Cyst and Oxycontin Druggie" Limbaugh, Anorexic Liar Ann Coulter, and Bill "Inside Trader" Frist. We're tired of your talking points.

According to the Washington Post, the Democratic Party seems unable to have a clear plan for the war in Iraq. In my opinion, the Democratic Party needs to put their case in front of the American people: We will do it differently and better. With the Abramoff scandal ensaring a large number of Republicans, people are turned off by the increasing talk of who is to blame. Were bills passed that helped Abramoff's clients? Yes. Were members of Congress given gifts, trips, and special dinners as thanks for their support? Yes. What will Democrats do that will help get this country back on the right track?

Here is what I'd suggest:
1. If I had it in my power (trust me, I don't), I'd get every Democratic Senator and Member of Congress together in a large, locked conference room.
2. I would tell them that we would not leave the room until we agree on a single statement on the war in Iraq: The U.S. will bring home every single American service member within one year. Once we have this settled, then we can move on to other problems and their solution.