Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Did you know that McCain is against overtime pay?

Listen to the Ohio Democratic Party's radio ad here to get the story: OHIODEMS AD

McCain is no friend to working families. He voted against an increase in the minimum wage and overtime pay protection (#1). He plans to privatize Social Security.

While McCain is able to shop at Barney's in Beverly Hills and spend $2,546.56, you are going through your penny jar to get $3.50 together to buy a gallon of gas for your car or give your kids lunch money. (Image courtesy MSNBC)

McCain is not concerned about the real working people in this country. With his many opulent homes and hideaways, McCain is trying to portray himself as a regular guy. The truth is, he and his wife are worth over $100 million and they don't go to the penny jar to help them make it through the day.


Toe enthusiast, and Fox News big macher, Dick Morris, is in Big, Big, trouble. USA Today:
Dick Morris —The former political adviser to Bill Clinton is a Fox News analyst. The IRS filed a $1.5 million tax lien against him in 2003. The state of Connecticut reports Morris owes $452,367 in back taxes and penalties....
