Saturday, May 03, 2008

What Makes A Nation

Sen. Obama gave a speech today and here are some excerpts as reported at First Read MSNBC:

....The senator closed his speech by invoking another politician, who gained fame in his youth, to whom he has been compared, Robert Kennedy. Kennedy said 40 years ago in his Indiana campaign and Obama repeated, “Income and education and homes do not make a nation. Nor do land and borders. Shared ideals and principles, joined purposes and hopes -- these make a nation. And that is our great task....”

"That’s why the only way a black man named Barack Obama, who was born in Hawaii, and started his career on the streets of Chicago, is standing before you today,” Obama said, “and that’s the only way I can win this race -- if you decide that you’ve had enough of the way things are; if you decide if you decide that this election is bigger than flag pins or sniper fire or the comments of a former pastor -- bigger than the differences between what we look like or where we come from or what party we belong to.....”

“In the face of all cynicism, all doubt, all fear, I ask you to remember what makes a nation -- and to believe that we can once again make this nation the land of limitless possibility and unyielding hope; the place where you can still make it if you try,” he said to rousing applause.