Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The View from North Carolina

We are spending a few days in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Although there are high gasoline prices, lots of people seem to remain in love with their large SUV’s and mammoth pick up trucks. There are quite a number of Buckeye fans here enjoying the heat.

While in North Carolina, I’ve seen several political campaign ads for Elizabeth Dole. Despite the fact that she has been ranked as one of the least effective U.S. Senators, you’d never know it by her commercials. Also, the camera never really shows a close up of Libby Dole. Is the candidate trying to hide her age?

Yesterday on CNN, Dick Armey, former Republican office holder, said that Sen. Obama was just giving speeches and “bs-ing” his way around the country. (Yes, Dick Armey said "bs-ing.") Shame on Armey and the Republicans. The GOP cannot and will not offer real answers/solutions, so they just attack Sen. Obama.

Meanwhile, old man McCain is giving “press announcements” about various topics and the press is giving him free publicity. McCain doesn’t have enough money to launch a full campaign and so he has to depend on the press to do his ads.

I finally saw one McCain bumper sticker. However, I have seen plenty of Obama stickers. In a state where so many citizens have ties to the military, you'd think that there would be many more McCain stickers. Perhaps even here, people are looking for new solutions and fresh perspectives.