Saturday, July 12, 2008

Phil Gramm: McCain's Chief Economic Adviser

You really have to wonder if Phil Gramm, John McCain's chief economic adviser, has a heart. Gramm just seems like a guy who is not in touch with real life. Today's NY Times has an Op-Ed piece by Bob Herbert with some quotes by Gramm:

“We’re the only nation in the world,” Mr. Gramm once said, “where all our poor people are fat.”

During one of the many Republican assaults on Social Security, the issue of cutting back benefits for the elderly came up in the Senate. “They are 80-year-olds,” howled Mr. Gramm. “Most people don’t have the luxury of living to be 80 years old, so it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them.”

Herbert goes on to write....
....What does it say about John McCain’s judgment that this guy was one of his top — and possibly his pre-eminent — economic adviser? What does it say about Mr. McCain’s judgment that in 1996, he believed Phil Gramm was the best choice to be president?

McCain's response to Gramm's remarks were sarcastic jokes. However, McCain did not fire Gramm.

Jonathan Alter was on MSNBC and he said that McCain and Gramm had a "passion gap" because they don't care about anyone else.

It is apparent that McCain and Gramm are two old rich white guys who don't give a damn about the rest of us.