Tuesday, November 24, 2009

They Said It

* Sarah Palin doesn't seem to know much about Latin America, Hispanics, or issues they care about, according to a story posted at Politico. We'll just add that to her list of things about which she doesn't know.

* Why does Sen. Lieberman refuse to budge on voting for health care reform? He should be a mensch and support the legislation.

* Oh. Keith Olbermann just called former Vice President Cheney, Dick "Five Deferments" Cheney. Sounds appropriate to me. Cheney, who avoided going to Viet Nam 5 times with those deferments, somehow thinks he speaks for our men in women in uniform. What does Cheney know about going into battle?

NY Times (May 1, 2004):

...It was 1959 when Dick Cheney, then a student at Yale University, turned 18 and became eligible for the draft.

Eventually, like 16 million other young men of that era, Mr. Cheney sought deferments. By the time he turned 26 in January 1967 and was no longer eligible for the draft, he had asked for and received five deferments, four because he was a student and one for being a new father...

...Away from the hearing room, he told the Washington Post that he had sought his deferments because "I had other priorities in the 60's than military service."....

There are thousands and thousands of our men and women in uniform who have spouses and children, and yet they serve. Cheney had no interest in serving but he willingly participated in sending our military into a war without proper equipment and even a plan. Yet Cheney thinks he speaks for our service members?