Thursday, December 23, 2010

Things I Know

* I know that:

* John Boehner cries too, too much for a grown man.  What could possibly cause these emotional problems?

* President Obama and Democrats delivered on DADT.  Thank goodness!!!

* We should thank God every single day that John McCain is not President. McCain continues to show he is a cranky, bitter, out of touch, old man, who cares about no one but himself.
(See more at the DailyBeast.)

* Our first responders deserve our respect.  It is outrageous that the 9/11 first responders were denied additional health coverage by some mean, disgusting, Republicans.  Thank goodness a final push for passage was successful.

* As the newly elected Governor of Ohio, John Kasich will do all he can to completely destroy public education, the state, and the lives of every teacher, firefighter, and police officer in the state.  While he is at it, he'll sell off state buildings, state parks, state prisons, and state assets he'll deem unnecessary and wasteful.  Could Kent State University be sold to Chase Bank?  Will prisons be sold to private companies and endanger the lives of our citizens?

At this point, before even being sworn into office, Kasich has no plans other than repealing the state income tax.  Kasich doesn't care about the damage he'll cause to people's lives by removing 75% of the state's funding. He just doesn't care.