Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Radical Republican Plan

President Obama held a town hall meeting today in California at the headquarters of Facebook.  Here is a little about what he said----

...Obama, in response to a Facebook employee's question about the GOP budget proposed by Rep Paul Ryan, R. Wis., said: "Their vision is radical. No, I don't think it's part courageous. Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor, or people who don't have lobbyists or don't have clout." 

....While calling Ryan "sincere" and "a patriot," Obama argued that the plan for next year's budget underscores how Republicans want to "change our social contract in a pretty fundamental way."

Their view is "no matter how successful I am ... that somehow, I now have no obligation to people who are less fortunate than me, and I have no real obligation to future generations," Obama said....

Then Raw Story has this information about Republican Rep. Paul Ryan:

Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP's most outspoken advocate for cutting and privatizing Social Security, has already benefited from Social Security himself, in the form of survivor benefits he received after his father's untimely death.

From the age of 16, when his 55-year-old father died of a heart attack, until he was 18, Ryan received Social Security payments, which, according to a lengthy profile in WI Magazine, he put away for college. The eventual budget czar attended Miami University in Ohio to earn a B.A. in economics and political science, and landed a congressional internship as a junior.

Ryan's congressional ascent, all the way to the top spot on the Budget Committee, began with his Social Security-funded college education....

Well, isn't that interesting!  Paul Ryan wants to deny us our benefits, but he took full advantage of government benefits.

People depend on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and we cannot allow the poor and elderly to be denied their rights to dignity, care, and a roof over their head.