Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Republican Goal

Republicans still have the goal to end Medicare.  Republican Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15) held a recent telephone "town hall" with questions sent in advance of the conversation.  (Right.  He got to pick and choose those questions he wanted to answer.)  Here is what the conservative, Republican-loving Columbus Dispatch reported about Stivers:

....On Tuesday night, Stivers held a telephone "town hall" with constituents. Only one of the roughly 60 questions voters sent in was about Medicare, he said.

When talking with constituents, Stivers says the Ryan plan would keep Medicare unchanged for those 55 and older but require anyone younger to obtain coverage from a private insurer, with the government providing a subsidy to cover part of the cost of premiums.

"If we're being responsible, we've got to try to do something to cut spending in this country and preserve entitlements for the future," he said...

My mother recently passed away.  As the person who helped navigate her medical care through the complicated maze of Medicare, Medicaid Part D, medicine and therapy coverage, and other issues associated with age, and long term medical care, I cannot imagine having to deal with a voucher system for her or even myself.  The Republican plan to privatize Medicare is just another one of their tactics to make things more complicated for the elderly, while Republican contributors, like insurance companies find ways to make more money on raising premiums.

As Medicare stands today, it is working and helping our elderly family members.  The Republican plan is to cut, slice, and gut Medicare to make it virtually impossible for the elderly to benefit from the coverage. It is time for Americans to realize that Republicans want to make it more difficult as you age.  While John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Steve Stivers want to destroy Medicare coverage for everyone else, they will have special coverage due to their service in the U.S. House and the Senate.  The Republicans are willing to deny you coverage, while they continue to enjoy theirs.

Don't let the Republicans destroy Medicare.  Every vote for a Republican is a step closer to the demise of Medicare.

>>>>>  Sarah Palin is on a bus tour?  Hilarious.  What is she trying to do?  She won't even release the locations of her visits prior to her arrival.  Why does she continue to drag her children with her on the bus tour to nowhere?  Palin is an idiot.