Monday, March 23, 2015


>  Writer Charles M. Blow of the NY Times responded to some recent comments made by Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal:

...Last week on Fox News, he set about defending his statement that America “shouldn’t tolerate those who want to come and try to impose some variant, or some version, of Shariah law.” But he went so far as to say of prospective immigrants:
“In America we want people who want to be Americans. We want people who want to come here. We don’t say, ‘You have to adopt our creed, or any particular creed,’ but we do say, ‘If you come here, you need to believe in American exceptionalism.’ ”
What? Where is that written? I can’t find this “need to believe in American exceptionalism” anywhere in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Isn’t American exceptionalism itself a creed?
The smart-on-paper Jindal increasingly comes across as nuttier than a piece of praline...

Along with his continuously crazy remarks, Jindal is just not that prepared to be President. 

>>   Canadian Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas, has announced his intention to run for President. Cruz was born in Canada and many people believe that he is not eligible to be President for that reason alone. Other craziness from Cruz only adds to his lack of capacity to be the Chief Executive. (See the list put together by Raw Story.)

>>>   Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has a plan to force women to have babies.

...leave it to Sam Brownback, whose completely unjustified massive ego allows him to just speak off the cuff, to go ahead and come out with it by claiming that “economic growth” is “entwined” with a forced childbirth agenda....

Brownback apparently wants to stop all reproductive freedom for women, and tie them up until they can give birth.  Brownback believes in freedom, as long as you aren't a woman!

You can add Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Iowa's Steve King, John Kasich, Rubio, Santorum, Jeb, Rick Perry, etc., etc. to the list of nutty Republicans!