We need to remind ourselves that major failures of national security have come under this Republican controlled government.
(1) September 11th occurred during this Bush administration. The Clinton administration, including Madeline Albright, had warned the Bushies about Bin Laden. However, the Bush administration said they were not concerned about Bin Laden. Despite the numerous PDB's and numerous warnings, they failed to secure our country's airports prior to 9/11.
(2) This administration's failure to respond to Hurricane Katrina shows that it is unable to move quickly to an emergency. Placing incompetent people like Heckuva Job Brownie, in highly responsible areas, shows their disdain for our people and our government.
(3) Allowing a country who supports terrorists to take over American ports, shows that this administration has stronger allegiances to their oil-rich buddies than the American people.
(4) The deaths of firefighters and police officers in New York on 9/11 had to do with the fact that Rudy Guiliani, had failed to act on earlier recommendations to upgrade the communications systems of first responders.
(5) Our young men and women have been sent to fight in a foreign war without proper equipment. Our president has not responded to the needs and requests of the "boots on the ground" in Iraq. Instead Bush and his people are more concerned in promoting their neo-conservative agenda. Even after Bush declared "mission accomplished," we still do not have an exit strategy. This war continues to be planned by people within this administration who have no experience with being in the military (chickenhawks: avoided war but are willing to let your son/daughter go to war).