I'm just wondering about things.
If the law forbids the importation of Cuban cigars, how is it possible that right-wing, draft dodger, former pill popper, Rush Limbaugh smokes Cuban cigars?
What has happened to Chris Matthews? Matthews, who once worked for Democrats, now criticizes Democrats every chance he gets. Why does he have to put in a dig to Senator Hillary Clinton nearly everyday? Why does Matthews support former NY mayor, Rudy Guiliani (a 3 time married, adulterer)? How is it possible that Matthews does no research on his topics?
Why haven't we heard Republicans cut all their ties with lobbyists? All this talk about reform, doesn't get it done. Doesn't anyone see a problem with Republican Rep. John Boehner's relationship with a lobbyist.
Why aren't we seeing a release of information on the number of visits Jack Abramoff made to the White House?
Who did fake reporter/male escort Jeff Gannon/Guckert visit in the White House almost 200 times?