Friday, January 12, 2007

‘We're not really doing anything here’

MSNBC has a story about what the troops think about Bush's plans for an escalation in Iraq. Here are some excerpts:

"The general feeling among us is we're not really doing anything here," Caldwell said. "We clear one neighborhood, then another one fires up. It's an ongoing battle. It never ends."

"We're constantly being told that it's not our fight. It is their fight," said Sgt. Jose Reynoso, 24, of Yuma, Ariz., speaking of the Iraqi army. "But that's not the case. Whenever we go and ask them for guys, they almost always say no, and we have to do the job ourselves."

"You do have corruption problems among the ranks," said Sgt. Justin Hill, 24, of Abilene Tex., the squad leader. "I don't know what they can do about that. They have militias inside them. They are pretty much everywhere."

"The intel they give us and the intel we get are two different things," Lake said....

The Iraqis are not willing to fight for their own country, but they are willing to let Americans sacrifice their lives. We should not fund an escalation of the war. Congress needs to provide enough money to get our troops home. Let the Iraqis decide for themselves.

* Have you watched Tony Snow at a press conference? If you have, you'll understand why Stephanie Miller calls him 'Tony McSnowjob' and the 'Presidential Spokesliar.'

**Democratic Rep. Zach Space (OH-18) is making a name for himself. His recent speech in support of stem cell research has brought him a lot of positive attention. Space certainly is a bright change from corrupt Republican politician, Bob "sushiholic" Ney.