Saturday, September 08, 2007

Fred Thompson Doesn't Like Dissent

Old Fred Thompson had some comments about people who oppose Bush's Iraq war:
(Raw Story)

In his first interview since declaring his presidential candidacy, Fred Thompson repeatedly warned against the perils of a "weak and divided" nation, raised the specter of unspecified terrorists with suitcase bombs, and expressed a willingness to employ nuclear weapons against Iran.

"If you're politically committed against this war and to do something to further harm the president, the way the Democrats seem to be in Congress, then anything [in the Petraeus Report] that's a mixed message is going to be seized upon in a negative way," Thompson told Fox News on Thursday.

"If we look weak and divided in this country, we're going to pay a heavy price for it in the future," he went on. "We're living in the era of the suitcase bomb. And they're not going to go away. They're here now, they're armed and dangerous, and they're trying to get weapons of mass destruction."

We should ask some questions here:
Would Fred Thompson do something to cut back on dissent?
Does Fred Thompson think that dissent is unpatriotic?
Would Fred Thompson punish those who voice opposition to the war?

Here is another gem from Fred (NY Daily News):
.....Fred Thompson puzzled Iowans yesterday by insisting an Al Qaeda smoking ban was one reason freedom-loving Iraqis bolted to the U.S. side.

"They said, 'You gotta quit smoking,'" Thompson explained to a questioner asking about progress in Iraq during a town hall-style meeting.

Thompson said the smoking ban and terror tactics Al Qaeda used to oppress women and intimidate local leaders pushed tribes in western Anbar Province to support U.S. troops.

But Thompson's tale of a smokers' revolt baffled some in the audience of about 150....

Huh? Where the hell did get that? Smoking ban?

If you haven't visited Fred Thompson's home page you'll want to know that it is really short on specifics. Thompson's campaign staff has been sitting around for months while others have been out campaigning.
What are Fred's beliefs about Social Security (since he is eligible for it)?
Does Fred support the No Child Left Behind Act?
Does Fred think that a draft would be a way to replenish the military?

These and other questions should be asked because Americans are not impressed with a folksy approach to solving problems. The world is a dangerous place and we need someone with serious plans and ideas to get things done. We've can see the failures of the presidency of George W. Bush and we don't need to go down that road again.

>>> The Sidney Morning Herald has a George W. Bush dress up interactive. You've got to check it out at: