Thursday, May 07, 2009

No Profits, No Listening, No Votes

* Now that we know the result of the bank stress tests, I'd like to know if those CEO's responsible for their mismanagement will lose their jobs. Seriously, if you lost your company billions of dollars, wouldn't you get fired? How do these CEO's and corporate leaders at these banks continue to get bonuses while their profits are in the toilet? The NY Times has a fantastic Interactive Graphic for the Bank Stress Tests.

* Tonight Keith Obermann tagged the GOP as the 'Grand Obsolete Party.' According to the leader of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, there is no room for moderates in the party. Also, Eric Cantor and his parade of loser Republicans are no longer on their "listening tour" because the Limbaugh deemed the listening unnecessary.

* On a roll call vote today on HR 1728 (Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act), the vote on final passage was 300 Yeas (240 Dems) and 114 Nays (111 GOPers). I guess it means that those that voted against the bill are not for mortgage reform and like predatory lending. For more information, see Roll Call Vote 242, HR 1728.