Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Stupidity of "Birthers"

I don't know which individual started it, but there are people who believe that President Barack Obama is not an American citizen. These so called "birthers" are vocal, but thank goodness, small in number. The "birthers" believe that President Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii, and they ask for proof of his birth certificate. The "birthers" obviously have not checked the link that has the birth certificate and the corresponding proof of his birth. The "birthers" probably don't realize that President Obama has been cleared by the FBI and CIA well before he became President.

Why would these incredibly stupid people believe that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the U.S.A.? What do they gain by pushing their wildly, idiotic ideas? They are trying to somehow question his authority and legitimacy as President.

It may not be a surprise to you, but the "birthers" are all members of the Republican Party. Why is it that the GOP seems to attract all these fringe, stupid people? I have no idea. My suggestion is to continue to label the "birthers" as stupid, uneducated people with nothing but wild imaginations and too much time on their hands. They need to channel their energies into something good.