Where in the world is John Boehner? Republican leader, John Boehner, is on a tour with Republican congressional buddies, Dan Boren, Greg Walden, Tom Latham, Dave Camp, Jo Bonner, and their spouses. Here is a tidbit from the
US-China Business Council:
Please join USCBC for a breakfast program with US House of Representatives Minority Leader John Boehner, who will be visiting China with a delegation from the House of Representatives that includes Reps. Dan Boren (D-OK), Jo Bonner (R-AL), Dave Camp (R-MI), Tom Latham (R-IA), and Greg Walden (R-OR).
The delegation would like to hear from the US business community on current economic conditions in China and to learn more about the business climate for US companies, including the level of market access in China for US goods and services. The delegation would also like to hear viewpoints from the American business community on US economic and trade policy toward China and its impact on the competitiveness of US companies in China. Rep. Boehner will make brief remarks.
This is a joint event sponsored by USCBC and the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.....While Boehner's colleagues take the heat of the false statements provided by insurance companies, Sarah Palin, and Charles Grassley, Boehner is out touring Asia with his friends and their spouses on our money.
* * * While Glenn Beck has gone off the deep end with his racist attacks on President Obama, he has been losing sponsors. A site called
ColorOfChange.org, invites people to join the group..."..
.to make sure all Americans are represented, served, and protected...." Isn't that what America is all about?
You are invited to join the campaign against Beck----Stop Glenn Beck's race baiting 
Fox's Glenn Beck recently said President Obama is "a racist" and has a "deep-seated hatred for white people." Beck is on a campaign to convince the American public that President Obama's agenda is about serving the needs of Black communities at White people's expense. It's repulsive, divisive and shouldn't be on the air. Join us in calling on Beck's advertisers to stop sponsoring his show....
Join here---> http://www.colorofchange.org/beck/
According to ADWEEK, Beck is losing advertisers and their dollars:
Some of the nation's biggest advertisers are distancing themselves from Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck after he called President Obama a racist during a July 28 broadcast.
Geico said yesterday that it has pulled its ads from FNC's The Glenn Beck Program. Lawyers.com, which is owned by LexisNexis, has also vowed not to advertise during the show, per Color of Change. The African-American online political organization has been spurring advertisers to stop supporting the show.
Additionally, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance and SC Johnson all said their ad placements during the broadcast were made in error and that they would be correcting the mistake moving forward, per Color of Change.....
I'm not African-American, but I signed up with the ColorOfChange organization. You can too! Stand with me against the racist rants of Glenn Beck.