Thursday, August 06, 2009

"...Corporate Republican Funded Public Relations..."

Last night on the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC-TV, host Rachel Maddow hit the nail on the head when she described the mobs showing up at town halls as "....corporate Republican funded p.r. ...."
The following video is from MSNBC:

If the people at the health care town halls are actually being paid by the insurance companies, supplied transportation, and a script, it looks like a grand corporate take over. Have insurance companies, their lobbyists, and supporting groups become so greedy that they would deny the uninsured medical treatment? What do you think?

It seems that the Republicans and their corporate supporters/lobbyists will go to any extreme to stop health care reform. They'll shut down discussions to yell and scream and prevent any intelligent discourse. What we have is a Republican Party and their supporters/lobbyists protecting their big money and deep pockets to keep the status quo. Since the Republican Party is out of ideas, yelling, screaming, and corporate-sponsored outrage, has taken the place of civility.