Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Should The Rich Pay Higher Taxes?

The two U.S. Senators from Ohio disagree on how to fix things regarding finances for the government. WKBN:

....In his weekly conference call with reporters, Republican Rob Portman said he's opposed to raising taxes to generate more revenue, thinking that will only hurt small businesses and slow down an already fragile economy.

As an alternative, Portman said lawmakers need to reduce spending in the short term while tackling significant reforms of the tax code. He said eliminating certain existing loopholes and changing regulations will boost revenues without raising taxes.

Last week, Democrat Sherrod Brown said tax increases are needed to help cut the deficit.

The Republicans have one purpose, and that is to cut taxes further.  Despite their continued calls for more tax cuts,we can clearly see that the 10 year old Bush tax cuts didn't help us over the last decade.  Instead, the Bush tax cuts only put us further in the hole.

Sen. Brown is right.  The taxes should be raised on the wealthy.