Friday, June 24, 2011

Would you contribute $50,000 to a candidate's campaign committee?

Republican Leader Eric Cantor walked out of budget talks yesterday and voters are aghast that he would simply give up on the progress that was being made.  When Cantor couldn't get his way, like a spoiled child, he stormed out of the budget meeting.  Cantor, who like Boehner, seems to be working to protect the wealth of his big time contributors.  They contribute campaign money to encourage Cantor to work for them.

A quick examination of records at the FEC, shows that Cantor's contributors (for the Cantor Victory Fund C00420174) come from managers/partners/employees of investment firms, large property management companies, oil companies, and basically incredibly wealthy people.  The contributions are large, at amounts like $10,000, $15,000, $25,000, $40,000, to as high as $50,800!!! Are you kidding me?  $50,800??????  Is this the kind of constituent Cantor represents?  Those people who have enough money to invest this type of money in the campaign committee of a candidate should pay more in taxes. 

Contact Eric Cantor's office and tell him to stop acting like a spoiled child.  Tell him it is time to raise taxes on the wealthy, and keep his hands off of your Medicare and Social Security:    (202) 225-4000 or (202) 225-2815 or (804) 747-4073.