Sunday, July 09, 2006

Republicans: Out of Touch

Republicans just don't get it. They cannot understand that by pushing to raise the minimum wage, Democrats are out to help a lot of people. Republicans, on the other hand, support giving tax breaks to the few and the wealthy. Which party is more in tune with regular people?

On a recent vist to Ohio, former Senator John Edwards explained it best (San Luis Obispo Tribune):
"This cause will not end when we are victorious raising the minimum wage here in the state of Ohio," he said. "It will continue next year and the next year and the next year until we are living in a United States of America where every single American is treated the same way."

Of course, the Republicans just can't see it. Here is another excerpt from that same source:

John McClelland, a spokesman for the Ohio Republican Party, said Democrats have "misaligned their priorities" by focusing on the minimum wage issue.

"If Democrats are looking at the minimum wage as a way to improve Ohio's economic woes, they're sadly mistaken," McClelland said. "They should be looking at ways to create jobs in the state."

Hello, Mr. McClelland! Your Republican Party has been in control of Ohio's government for a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-g time. Why can't the Republicans bring jobs to Ohio? The Republicans control every phase of the state government in Ohio and the only thing the Ohio GOP can do is lie, cheat, and steal from the public. The Republican Party of Ohio is a large group of old guys with no sense of morality, dignity, or fair play. Okay. I've said it. So there. If the Republicans cared so much about the working people of Ohio they'd find a way to help all Ohioans instead of just contributors to their Republican political campaigns.