Thursday, August 10, 2006

Iraq is a Failed Policy

No matter what this administration and the GOP says, Iraq is a failed policy. They've wasted lives and money. While Bush tried to pay back Saddam Hussein for attempting to kill his father, troops and support were diverted from Afghanistan. Despite the fact the Bush said he wanted Osama bin Ladin 'dead or alive,' Osama is still alive and kicking. Bush has failed. Rumsfeld has failed. The Republican controlled House and Senate has failed. FEMA failed because of the political appointees were inept. (I read somewhere that Sec. of State Rice called the Prime Minister of Israel and offered help. She said the U.S. had experience with catastrophes because the government had done so well with Katrina. Yeah. Right.) No Child Left Behind failed because it was not funded. A CIA agent was outed by someone in the White House. Our security was compromised.

Now the Republicans are back to the blame game. They say everything is not their fault. They blame Lamont, Kerry, the Clintons, Murtha, and anyone who opposes them. The Republicans are like spoiled children who cannot take responsibility for their own actions. In the coming campaigns they plan to tell us that they have protected us. If they've done such a good job, why is Osama still out there? If the war in Iraq is such a success, why are we still there? Why have so many of our military members been killed?

Americans are tired of Iraq, the lies, the scare tactics, and the do nothing Republican Congress. It is time to vote the Repugs out!

>>>If you won't take my word, read what a commentary by Marilou Johanek in the Toledo Blade. Here are some excerpts:

TWO former top House leaders forced by indictment or likely indictment to relinquish power and position stand as stark testament to what can go wrong with entrenched one-party rule. The longer one political party controls power the easier it is for the privileged to become cocky and assume a false sense of entitlement and impunity.

Take Congressman Bob Ney of Ohio and ex-Majority Leader Tom Delay of Texas - please. They obviously liked the power that came with money and the money that came with power. They danced the seductive political dance that has beguiled "safe" incumbents for years....

...the fear-factor is played out in places like Ohio, where even lifelong Republicans aren't buying what they did in 2004....

Meanwhile war has exploded with a vengeance in southern Lebanon, Iran is a defiant nuclear threat, North Korea is launching missiles, and Afghanistan is teetering toward chaos.
In manufacturing Ohio, the state that gave George Bush a second term, the gloomy outlook abroad only exacerbates the dismal outlook at home with high gasoline prices on top of a lagging economy, plant closings, and a struggling education system.
The one-party rule that gave us six years of corrupt congressional leadership, misplaced domestic priorities, and disastrous foreign policies has done enough damage. The country needs some relief. It needs change.
