Thursday, May 10, 2007

Iraq's Parliament: Going on Vacation???

I was shocked to read the news that Iraq's Parliament plans to go on a two month summer vacation.
Concord Monitor:
...U.S. officials traveling with Cheney said he was also concerned that Iraq's parliament was considering a two-month summer vacation at a time when important legislation is pending. The Iraqi government has made little progress on the benchmark goals established by the Bush administration, including amending the constitution to address Sunni concerns, passing the oil law, and allowing some former members of the once-ruling Baath party, who were driven from the government en masse after the invasion, to return to their jobs.....

-While our young men and women are dying and being wounded in the streets of Baghdad, the Iraqi officials will be hitting their vacation homes in the Middle East?
-While our military endures IED's, mortar attacks, and fights with insurgents, the Iraqi Parliament will be enjoying rest and relaxation?????

This is wrong. If the Iraqi government goes ahead with their planned vacation, we should pull our troops out immediately.