Saturday, May 05, 2007

Newsweek Poll: Bush Approval at 28%!!!!!

Ooooops! Newsweek's new poll is probably going to cause some Republicans to get a little queasy. Not only does President Bush have an approval rating of 28% (64% disapproval) but the poll also shows that any of the top 3 Democratic presidential candidates would easily beat the top Republican presidential candidates. Wow! Of course, the election is more than one year away and anything can happen. (Bush could become even less popular!) Here are some highlights from the poll (For complete information, check the Newsweek link.)

Question 18
Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time?
Satisfied....... 25%
Dissatisfied ... 71%
Don't Know.... 4%

....and my favorite....

Question 22
Which comes closer to your view of Bush’s recent actions in Iraq…
30% They show he is willing to take political risks to do what's right

62% They show he is stubborn and unwilling to admit his mistakes

8% Don't know/Refused.
................ 7%GOP...... 5%DEMS....... 9%Indep.

My advice to the Democrats is to just keep sending those Iraq funding bills to President Bush even though he says he'll veto it if it contains a timetable for withdrawal.