Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bogus Warnings from the Right

The radical right, which seems to be the entire Republican Party, had themselves all concerned about President Obama's speech to school students. The right wasted their time and energy on creating a bunch of hoopla that was completely unnecessary. President Obama's speech was enlightening, intelligent, and inspirational. It was just what many students need to keep their focus on studying, setting goals, and staying in school.

The President told students to work hard in school because our country is depending on their success to make things better. How wonderful! He talked about personal responsibility. OMG! Awesome!

The recent tactics used by Republicans will not help them attract new people to their party. Their words and actions just get their base to follow them. Independent and Democratic voters have been turned off by the GOP, the teabaggers, the "birthers," and the "deathers." With nothing to offer but conspiracy theories and the same old ideas, people are getting sick of the Republicans.