Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sunday in Ohio

**** Rachel Maddow is on Meet the Press today. That is the only reason I watched the program.

>> Would you buy any product endorsed by Sarah Palin?
The Hill:

Here's a fun item from the NY Post's Page Six: Sarah Palin is apparently looking for a cosmetics endorsement deal, trying to "capitalize on her 'lipstick on a pit bull' catchphrase."

This would certainly help defray those legal expenses. But if the rumor is true, it would indicate that Palin isn't serious about a 2012 campaign.....

This would be a gamble for any lipstick manufacturing. I personally would not buy any lipstick endorsed by Sarah Palin. As a matter of fact, any manufacturer that would hire Palin would probably get boycotted by lots of women---including me!

* If you've ever traveled in Europe, you know that people use high speed trains a lot. Using trains to travel seems to be very beneficial in Europe. Building and expanding passenger train travel would create jobs and new businesses. Why are we waiting to get the job done here?