Why would anyone vote AGAINST a bill titled "Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009" with what we know about AIDS and medical care? I know that you are asking yourself for the names of the backward-thinking people in the House of Representatives that voted "NO!" in Roll Call Vote 793. Ask no more!
Below are the names of the 9 Republicans that voted against the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
Clerk of the House of Representatives:
Brady (TX).....Phone: (202) 225-4901
Broun (GA).....Phone: (202) 225-4101
Duncan...........Phone: (202) 225-5435
Flake...............Phone: (202) 225-2635
Foxx...........Phone: (202) 225-2071
Gohmert.......Phone: (202) 225-3035
Lummis .......Phone: (202) 225-2311
Paul..............Phone: (202) 225-2831
Poe (TX).......Phone: (202) 225-6565
I've included the office telephone numbers of these Republican "no-mongers" so you can call and offer your opinion about their vote against this important legislation. Isn't it amazing that these same people continue to vote against bills that are so vital?