Now that we know that Gov. John Kasich's approval rating (see Qunnipiac) has slipped down even more, you wonder how he has the arrogance to continue to push his agenda. According to the just released Quinnipiac Poll, Kasich has a disapproval rate of 50% and an approval of just 35%.
Of course, Kasich will continue to say that he doesn't look at polls and he really doesn't care what they say. However, despite his mantra that polls don't matter to him, there has to be some sort of resentment on his part that the people of Ohio are not sharing his vision.
With Kasich's ties to Fox and Rupert Murdoch, any further revelations about phone hacking in the U.S. might allow the Kasich poll numbers to sink even more.
CBS Moneywatch:
...Murdoch gave $1 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and $1.25 million to the RGA, saying later that he hoped it would help Republican John Kasich, a former commentator on News Corp.'s Fox News. Kasich is now Ohio's governor....