Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Bizarre Move by Kasich

Gov. John Kasich's behavior, language, and agenda are all very troubling to me.  The other day, on the spur of the moment, he pledged $2 million in state money to Nationwide Children's Hospital.  Now we have word of another questionable move by Kasich. 

According to Plunderbund  Kasich gave a commencement speech to the 2000 students graduating from the ECOT public high school.  However, he remarks were religious in nature and Plunderbund has the video:


I find this totally inappropriate in an event for public school students.  Is Kasich trying to win over the far right religious in the GOP? 

Kasich has had some legislative proposals which should make many people uncomfortable.

On the Issues:

Then we have this---

Cleveland Jewish News (June 30, 2009):

....On social issues, Kasich said he supports teaching both evolution and “creation science” in Ohio biology classes.....

Kasich is the last person that Ohioans should look to concerning what is taught in biology classes, school prayers, and what to say in a commencement speech before public school students.