Thursday, May 19, 2005

Stem Cells

I was watching NBC Nightly News and there was a story about stem cell research. Congressman Spence (R-Indiana) said he did not think it was right to take the tax money from pro-life Americans to fund stem cell research. I have a great idea. If pro-choice Americans fund stem cell research, only pro-choice American can share in the benefits, cures, and treatments that would result. This is the only fair thing to do.

Today there was a story that President Bush wants to start a "freedom corps" to send into a country that is trying to start a democracy. How would it be funded? Who would volunteer for such a dangerous mission? Would Jenna and Barbara be interested in serving?

According to some recent reports, $8.8 billion are missing in Iraq.
How do you misplace $8.8 billion? This is ridiculous!