Monday, February 19, 2007

Rep. Tim Ryan Won't Back Down!

Rep. Tim Ryan, a Democrat from Youngstown, is making Ohioans proud because he stands strong and tall against the Republican propaganda. Here are some excerpts from the Plain Dealer's Politics Blog:

A Republican, identified by Ryan staffers as Indiana's Steve Buyer, took loud umbrage at several points when Ryan attacked Republicans for calling his party's distaste for the war "unpatriotic."

Buyer was gavelled down several times as he attempted to object to Ryan statements such as these:

"We never called the other side unpatriotic ... We've called you incompetent. We said you're incapable. And we've said you're derelict of your oversight responsiblity. But never, Mr. Speaker, have we called anyone in this House unpatriotic."

When Ryan was asked whether he'd yield the floor to a parliamentary inquiry from Buyer, he snapped "I don't yield" with belligerence reminiscent of his congressional predecessor and former mentor, Jim Traficant.

"We've heard a lot over the last couple of days about the American Revolution, and the Civil War and World War II," Ryan concluded. "Well, Mr. Speaker, our president today is not Washington, he is not Lincoln, and he is not Roosevelt. And so I think our Republican colleagues should take the advice of the Secretary of Defense. And that's: You go to war with the president you have, you don't go to war with the president you wish you had."

See Tim Ryan's video here:

In my humble opinion, Rep. Tim Ryan's theme song should be Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down." Thank you, Rep. Ryan, for your strong voice. I wish Ohio's 15th district had someone like Ryan. However, we are stuck with Republican Deborah Pryce who follows her party's orders instead of the desires of her constituents.