Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Veto Is Wrong!

President Bush said he would veto any effort by the House and the Senate to put a timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq. A veto will show how Bush, the GOP, and Lieberman don't support the troops. They want an unending war. They don't care that our military service members are dying and being maimed every single day. Bush, the GOP, and Lieberman, just don't want to lose face. I watched some report last night that interviewed a soldier who was going back to Iraq for the 3rd time. He said he just wants to stay home and be a father and husband. Don't we owe it to them to let them live their lives with their families?

No matter what anyone says, it is time to bring our military and our money home. Bush's invasion of Iraq was based on lies and now the lies continue. History will show that Iraq was the largest mistake in American military history and that Bush was the worst president ever.

Don't be afraid to contact your elected officials in Washington, DC to voice your opposition to the war. If your senator or representative is up for re-election in 2008 (like pro-war Mitch McConnell in Kentucky), make certain that you specify you will not support them if they continue to support the Iraq war.