Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My View From Central Ohio

Here are a few of my observations/opinions:

>Wolf Blitzer has no spine. I could ask better questions of candidates and I am not a journalist. As a matter of fact, I think my dogs could ask better questions.

>Chris Matthews needs to go to a refresher class on how to ask questions. He is sooooooooo rude! He interrupts his guests and shows his disdain for Sen. Hillary Clinton by continuing to call her "Hillary" instead of Senator Clinton.

>I don't know if you've noticed, but Joe Scarborough actually is quite good on his morning program on MSNBC. He even is starting to sound like a moderate!!!!!!!?????

>In case you are wondering, this website is supported by me and no other group or sponsor.

>On last night's Chris Matthews program, there was some little Republican schmuck in the audience who wanted to know if Michael Moore supported health care for illegal immigrants. It just amazes me that someone would even think to deny medical care to someone because they were in this country illegally. That same little right wing young man should go, and run to his local recruiting office and sign up to fight in Iraq because I'm sure he supports the war.

>The predictions are out there about the 2008 run for Ohio's 15th congressional district: It will be a tough one. Campaign & Elections Magazine:
Rematches between boxers usually have an air of the epic surrounding them, but that is not usually the case in politics. When a sitting congresswoman wins with just 50.2 to 49.7 percent of the vote, though, rematches can get a little interesting. Such is the case in Ohio's 15th congressional district.

....Though the names may be the same, the political environment could be much different in 2008. Democrats both locally and nationally see Kilroy's strong showing in 2006
as proof that Pryce is a weakened candidate. The DCCC has already targeted the race--along with Bob Ney's former district--as a high priority in its efforts to claim congressional seats nationwide....

Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy can start off by attacking Pryce's lackluster attendance record. (see Ohio's 15th district blog