Saturday, March 01, 2008

Americans Don't Care If We're in Iraq for 100, 1,000, or 10,000 Years?

Do you ever wonder which Americans Republican John McCain is talking about in the video clip below?
I know I don't want to see our men and women in Iraq for another second.

You Tube McCain:

What would happen if we remain in Iraq with McCain as president? Here is a clue from an editorial in the NY Times:
....Although initially promoted by the Bush administration as a war that could be waged at little expense, Iraq has so far cost America $600 billion, 4,000 dead, and more than more than 29,000 wounded. Thousands of Iraqis have also been killed and injured.

Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel-Prize-winning Columbia University economics professor, and Linda Blimes of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, authors of a new book, “The Three Trillion Dollar War,” estimate America’s real price tag will be $3 trillion when all costs — including compensation, pensions and disability benefits for wounded veterans, and rising oil prices — are factored in.

These staggering outlays are preventing the country from undertaking efforts that would make the United States safer, like going after al Qaeda in Pakistan. It is also sapping the resources needed for critical priorities at home, like improving the quality and availability of health care.....

How can someone claim that they are for fiscal responsibility yet support throwing money into Iraq? I heard in a report on the radio that the Iraq war has already cost us 8 times the cost of World War II. It appears that the only people gaining anything from Iraq are the stockholders of Halliburton.